5 email campaigns to set and forget

Escape the pressure of coming up with new content for a newsletter every week or month, and put an email strategy in place that will work quickly, and with no ongoing effort.

If you're sick of creating monthly email newsletters that only your competitors seem to read, then this guide is for you.

Uncover 5 campaigns you can put in place today that your prospect will truly appreciate and respond to.

Find out:

  • Why your newsletter is sending the wrong content at the wrong time for almost all your prospects.
  • 5 campaigns that will arrive at the perfect time for each and every prospect
  • What to send after the sale and why it's more important to get your customers to use your service than to buy it
  • How to get more referrals from customers without making them feel uncomfortable or pressured
  • The 7 words that can bring lost deals back like Zombies from the grave…